Open my Blind Eyes!

I don’t know about you, but I often pray prayers for those I love and somehow, what I pray for them ends up happening for me.

Metaphorically, it means to bring light to things that are hidden in darkness. I feel like this has really been a season of eyes being opened to the dark things of this world. It is sad to learn of truths that had been told for years, were ignored or dismissed, and for many, they were hushed into a hell of pain, deception, and fear.

I cannot recall when exactly I prayed the prayer for my loved one. I felt that seeds of deception were being planted and were taking root and before long, this person would be so far in a trap, they would not know how to get free. I prayed as in Isaiah 42:7, “I will keep you and will make you to a covenant for those the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free the captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.”

As with many prayers of intercession, God has instructed, plant the seed in kindness, and allow me to cultivate it. In the meantime, my eyes have been opened to many areas of my life where I was either naive, or I was choosing not to see things for what they were. When the gates were open, I had no choice but to acknowledge the truth. There are times we want to believe in someone, heck even in ourselves, and in our humanity, we fumble along the way. I believe, when we open our blind eyes, we see the beauty in the ashes, and we see the truth for what it is. It’s always been there; we have just been trained to ignore it.

I am a firm believer that our body and soul are intertwined. When there is trouble or when something is off, our body gives us sensory clues that we often ignore. We might feel uncomfortable around someone, and our body rejects their touch, or the way they are speaking to or around us. There are times we tense up or our shoulders feel really uncomfortable. Other times our body starts to shut down, our blood pressure spikes, we start to sweat, or something in our gut says, get out! Either way, when we ask our higher power to move us out of our own way, we set aside our pride, and humble ourselves, we can and will be guided to the right path.

That way is not always the easy or fun path, but it is the one with the greater reward.

All my love!


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