As the saying goes, “Life happens!” It’s been a few crazy weeks since we got back from spring break. I got a temporary reassignment as I came back from our trip that has had me preoccupied and totally out of my element.

One thing it has done is test my abilities and resilience. I entered into a new environment I had only been to once, a year ago, learned an entirely new electronic medical record system, and performing a roll I have not done in over 7yrs all within two days.

What it has taught me is, I much more adaptable to change then I thought I would be. Do you ever underestimate the power of what you are capable of? Although I have grown in this industry and with this company for twenty-three years, I am still surprised that I have that mindset after the many times I have stretched myself.

As a result of the stretch, I’ve also stretched myself in promoting my work. I’ve mentioned before, I am better at writing my words than speaking but, after sitting on my first recording for, I have officially posted on social media about my work. Yes, I have posted pictures of the cover of my book, “A Story Within”, but I have been shy in talking about who I am and what I’m doing.

My hope in all of this is, that me sharing my life with you, inspires that fire within you to come to fruition, to show that it can be done, and to take a chance on yourself. I told myself, if you’ve accomplished all of that in two days, you not posting that video is just an excuse not to succeed.

Life is not just about my work; it is about making sure I stay focused on the goals before me. I have a kiddo that depends on me solely for our life to take a direction that does not require recovery at every turn. Some days that require me to push with the little I have left to give and other days it requires the humility to know, I have to sit it out.

All my love,


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