When I think about the word success, I think of all the times I have felt I’ve failed because of the perception others have of me. When I think about what success means to me, I determine it by pushing myself further than I did they day before or by following what I feel led to do spiritually. I have felt successful when I look back at how many times, I’ve overcome a limitation I’ve placed on myself or based on what someone else’s definition of success had them to believe I was or was not capable of accomplishing.

Tonight, I leave you with these thoughts. They are questions I have been pondering for days. I hope this encourages you somehow! I always feel we grow when we can challenge ourselves to think outside of our comfort zone and when we can define our own vision of happiness, love, and/or success. I believe we live a lot of our lives in the mindset of those who came before us. Although it may have worked for them at that time, it could stifle us from the purpose we were sent for in our time here. I am notorious for upsetting those around me by asking what they think of something, not because I seek for them to remedy the solution. Many times, I ask to check their gauge of faith in what they believe I am capable of or if they are willing to step aside from the status quo to believe in something greater than self. I come up with some of the most outlandish stuff, but I rarely am off my mark.

There are many who believe that success is determined by how big of a house you live in, the vehicle you drive, the job you have, how much money you have or make, or how much power you have. Others determine it by the impact they have on those around them. It is not for me to say that any of these are wrong, I do ask that you think of your own belief system and how you came to that perspective.

What does success look like to you?

How do you define success?

Do you feel that your perception of success causes you to feel others are not successful?

When others don’t meet your definition of success, do you find yourself judging their journey?

Who or what influenced your definition of success?

Are you meeting your own mark?

Do you have the mental fortitude to make that determination for yourself and stand by it?

Just know, I am always for the underdog!

All my love,


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