What is your why?

Hi all,

I hope you are having a good day and that you are seeing blessings all around you. I have a nagging question that comes to mind, and it is, what is your why? Why are you doing the things in your life the way you do them? I keep asking you this over and over again in hopes that it challenges you a tad. I am ever learning and growing. There have been times I’ve been stuck in the mud, treading water, chasing my own tail. The thought of changing required an effort or change in perspective that I was not willing to make.

When I think of why I write, it is because I’ve lived stuck, and I hope that me trusting the path I’ve been called to will inspire you to take a chance on yourself. I am not a grammatically astute person, but my soul is on fire and my desire to be obedient to what I feel called to which is more important than the reasons why I would not follow the guidance.

My why is to encourage the lost, those grieving, and those who feel they are stuck in the loop that others may not be able to understand. At the time of my loss, I wanted to know why? This is my why. The experience I’ve endured ushers a perspective to others of a journey or path before you. My why is to encourage you because I understand there are days where you will struggle, and you will need one person to see what most others won’t. You are not alone! It just feels that way sometimes. Missing your loved one doesn’t go away; it is there forever and that’s ok. It’s ok if your sadness looks like anger but try your best not to hurt those who love you. They don’t know the longing inside.

When my mom passed in 1989, I had no idea the number of close loved ones who would experience a life without their parent as well and would need my light to walk with them in their darkness. I see now, I see what God needed me to experience. I don’t ask for sympathy; I ask for understanding for myself and others. You may not know your why and that is ok. I encourage you to keep going, to ask for help when you need it, and to ask others to respectfully give you space when you are not sure what you need.

All my love!


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