Are we there yet?

Geez! I don’t know about you, but this week has been a dozy! Being that it’s hump day I am going to manifest a positive second half of the week for us all!

Life can be overwhelming at times. I want to say to every single parent out there, you’ve got this! The biggest hurdle is remembering to take a deep breath and believe the tough times only last for a moment. No matter what life throws at you, raising those babies will always be your greatest return on investment.

Yesterday during a business call, we spoke about transparency and how being honest could be what someone else needs to get their dream off the ground or to make it through a certain situation.

Thank you to my readers! I hope you are enjoying the post and that some part of what I write resonates with you. I hope this inspires you and somehow guides you to your unique passion and purpose. I’ve told my loved ones; find something you’d be willing to do for free because that is where you heart is.

My journey consists of a lot of twist and turns, tears, happiness, love, and perseverance. I’ve worked my primary job in healthcare with same organization for twenty-three years. It has not always been easy. I have not always been happy or felt all warm in fuzzy about it however, it has given me a front seat to how God works in one’s life. Through the years at times, I’ve wanted to quit because I didn’t like what someone said or did, but I didn’t give up because as time has gone on, one difficult opportunity has given me a steppingstone to the next chapter in the journey. I can say the same for love. I’ve loved two men with my entire being. There were some toads in there leaping from one pad to any other but two that I had a life with, raised children with, and who helped me grow and heal parts of me I did not even know were still broken.

One opened my heart to love again, broke down a wall that had many layers. The other, my greatest love so far, developed a love in me that really showed me how I deserved to be treated. It made me want to love myself that much too. With both I didn’t just have love for them but two wonderful families who took me in and really nurtured the areas I felt neglected and alone. My Naomi, like Ruth’s mother-in-law in the bible has literally walked me through fire, hand and hand, and has brought so much joy to my days. Simple things most people take for granted like calling to see if the other had made it home, asking about my day, lunch dates, or going grocery shopping together. Women need other women, regardless of the title. We also need to let go of this idea of perfection. The women I respect and admire most are the transparent ones with some scares on their sleeves too.

As you know, I wrote and published my first book in 2015. With a full time job, love, heartbreak, and raising the squirt I got sidetracked from my dream of being an author/writer. Years later, I am still trying to reinvent what the dream might be, even if it didn’t pan out the way I had envisioned it. Perhaps it just hasn’t been the right time. Yesterday, I got so overwhelmed I couldn’t stop crying. I heard that small voice whisper, “Remember who you are.” All this to say, the road to where you are going most likely will not be smooth and that is absolutely normal. I know we live in a culture that is all about positive vibes and energy, but I promise, once you’ve lived enough life, there is an understanding that even when you try to keep a positive mindset, we do break every now and then. It helps to get yourself regulated and focus on the baby steps right in front of you. It takes too much effort to go too far ahead. It’s important to have goals but not at the expense of your peace or the peace of those you love. Rather you feel it or not, I believe you are rocking it!

All my love,


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